Faculty Publications
Faculty Publications 2015
Michel, C., Heide, K.M. & Cochran, J.K. The Consequences of Knowledge about Elite Deviance. American Journal of Criminal Justice 41, 359–382.
Leiber, M.J., Peck, J.H.* (2015). 21 Race, Ethnicity, Immigration, and Crime. In: Morizot, J., Kazemian, L. (eds) The Development of Criminal and Antisocial Behavior. Springer, Cham.
Cochran, J. C., & Mears, D. P. (2015). Race, Ethnic, and Gender Divides in Juvenile Court Sanctioning and Rehabilitative Intervention. Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency, 52(2), 181-212.
Mears, D., & Cochran, J.C. (2015). Prisoner reentry in the era of mass incarceration. SAGE Publications, Inc.,
Cardwell, S. M., Piquero, A. R., Jennings, W. G., Copes, H., Schubert, C. A., & Mulvey, E. P. (2015). Variability in Moral Disengagement and Its Relation to Offending in a Sample of Serious Youthful Offenders. Criminal Justice and Behavior, 42(8), 819-839.
Lynch, M.J. Corporate Crime, Corporate Violence. 3rd edition. NY: Harrow and Heston
Lynch, M.J., Barrett, K.L. Death Matters: Victimization by Particle Matter from Coal Fired Power Plants in the US, a Green Criminological View. Critical Criminology 23, 219–234 (2015).
Dembo, R. (2015). The Need to Restructure the Substance Misuse Behavioral Science Research Enterprise. Substance Use & Misuse, 50(8–9), 1103–1105.
Arrigo, B. A., & Lynch, M. J. (2015). The Human Consequences of Ecological Violence and Corporate Victimization: Public Sector Psychology and Green Criminology. International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology, 59(3), 227-229.
Bjerregaard, B. E., Smith, M. D., Cochran, J. K., & Fogel, S. J. (2017). A Further Examination of the Liberation Hypothesis in Capital Murder Trials. Crime & Delinquency, 63(8), 1017-1038.
Donner, C., Maskaly, J., Fridell, L. and Jennings, W.G. (2015), "Policing and procedural justice: a state-of-the-art review", Policing: An International Journal, Vol. 38 No. 1, pp. 153-172.
DeLisi, M., Vaughn, M. G., Salas-Wright, C. P., & Jennings, W. G. (2015). Drugged and Dangerous: Prevalence and Variants of Substance Use Comorbidity Among Seriously Violent Offenders in the United States. Journal of Drug Issues, 45(3), 232-248.
Perez, N. M.*, Fegadel, A. R.*, & Bromley, M. L. (2015). Students’ Perceptions of a Cohort-style Graduate Program: A Descriptive Analysis of Feedback Obtained from MACJA Graduates. Journal of Criminal Justice Education, 26(3), 316–329.
Lynch, Michael J. The Classless State of Criminology and Why Criminology Without Class is Rather Meaningless. Crime, Law and Social Change. 63 (1): 65-90.
Heide, Kathleen M. Foreword to Chan, H.C.'s Understanding Sexual Homicide Offenders. England: Palgrave Macmillan.
Jennings, W. G., & Zgoba, K. M. (2014). An Application of an Innovative Cost-Benefit Analysis Tool for Determining the Implementation Costs and Public Safety Benefits of SORNA with Educational Implications for Criminology and Criminal Justice. Journal of Criminal Justice Education, 26(2), 147–162.
Dembo, R., Briones-Robinson, R.*, Barrett, K. L., Winters, K. C., Ungaro, R., Karas, L., & Belenko, S. (2015). Parenting Practices among Biological Mothers of Drug-Involved Truant Youths: A Latent Profile Analysis. Journal of Child & Adolescent Substance Abuse, 24(5), 282–294.
Leiber, M.J. and Peck, J.*. "Youth in the juvenile court and adult court" In Krohn & Lane (Eds.), Handbook of Juvenile Delinquency and Juvenile Justice. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley-Blackwell.
Dembo, R., Briones-Robinson, R.*, Wareham, J., Winters, K. C., Ungaro, R., & Karas, L. (2015). A Longitudinal Study of Truant Youths’ Involvement in Sexual Risk Behavior. Journal of Child & Adolescent Substance Abuse, 25(2), 89–104.
Dembo, R., Briones-Robinson, R.*, Schmeidler, J., Wareham, J., Ungaro, R., Winters, K. C., … Belenko, S. (2015). Brief Intervention Impact on Truant Youths’ Marijuana Use: Eighteen-Month Follow-Up. Journal of Child & Adolescent Substance Abuse, 25(1), 18–32.
Dembo, R., Briones-Robinson, R.*, Barrett, K., Winters, K. C., Ungaro, R., Karas, L., … Wareham, J. (2015). The Validity of Truant Youths’ Marijuana Use and Its Impact on Alcohol Use and Sexual Risk Taking. Journal of Child & Adolescent Substance Abuse, 24(6), 355–365.
Belenko, S., Dembo, R., Copenhaver, M. et al. HIV Stigma in Prisons and Jails: Results from a Staff Survey. AIDS and Behavior 20, 71–84 (2016).
Landers, M.D.*, Mitchell, O. & Coates, E.E. Teenage Fatherhood as a Potential Turning Point in the Lives of Delinquent Youth. Journal of Child and Family Studies 24, 1685–1696 (2015).
Jennings, W.G., Richards, T., Smith, M.D., Bjerregaard, B., and Fogel, S. "A propensity score matching analysis of the relationship between victim sex and capital juror decision-making in North Carolina." Social Science Research 52:47-58.
Fegadel, A.R.*, & Heide, K.M. (2015). Double Parricide: An In-Depth Look at Two Victim Homicides Involving Parents as Victims. Behavioral Sciences & the Law, 33 6, 723-39.
Fox, B. H., Jennings, W. G., & Farrington, D. P. (2015). Bringing psychopathy into developmental and life-course criminology theories and research. Journal of Criminal Justice, 43(4), 274–289.
Fox, B.H., Perez, N.*, Cass, E., Baglivio, M., and Epps, N. "Trauma changes everything: Examining the relationship between adverse childhood experiences and serious, violent and chronic juvenile offenders." Child Abuse & Neglect.
Lynch, M. J., Stretesky, P. and Long, M.. "Environmental justice: A criminological perspective." Environmental Research Letters.
Mack, K., Peck, J.*, and Leiber, M.J. "Gender differences in the long-term effects of family structure and processes on externalizing and internalizing behaviors". Deviant Behavior. 36(9): 740-764.
Cochran, J. K. (2015). Morality, Rationality and Academic Dishonesty: A Partial Test of Situational Action Theory. International Journal of Criminology and Sociology, 4, 192–199.
Song, H.*, Lynch, M.J. & Cochran, J.K. A Macro-Social Exploratory Analysis of the Rate of Interstate Cyber-Victimization. American Journal of Criminal Justice 41, 583–601.
Cochran, J. K.The Effects of Life Domains, Constraints, and Motivations on Academic Dishonesty: A Partial Test and Extension of Agnew’s General Theory. International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology, 61(11), 1288-1308.
Jennings, W., Lynch, M. and Fridell, L. "Evaluating the impact of police officer body-worn cameras (BWCs) on response-to-resistance and serious external complaints: Evidence from the Orlando Police Department (OPD) Experience utilizing a randomized controlled experiment." Journal of Criminal Justice, 2015: 480 – 486.
Perez, N.M.* and Bromley, M. (2015), "Comparing campus and city police human resource and select community outreach policies and practices: An update", Policing: An International Journal, Vol. 38 No. 4, pp. 664-674.
Toman, E.L.*, Cochran, J.C., Cochran, J.K., & Bales, W.D. (2015). The implications of sentence length for inmate adjustment to prison life. Journal of Criminal Justice, 43, 510-521.
Gabbidon, and Mitchell, O. "Investigating allegations of racial profiling in retail settings." Security Management (November): 38-39.
Michel, C., Cochran, J.K. & Heide, K.M. Public knowledge about white-collar crime: an exploratory study. Crime, Law & Social Change, 65, 67–91 (2016).
Dembo, R., Wareham, J., Krupa, J.*, and Winters, K.C.. "Sexual risk behavior among male and female truant youths: Exploratory, multi-group latent class analysis". Journal of Alcoholism & Drug Dependence.
Lynch, M.J., Barrett, K.L., Stretesky, P.B. et al. Crime as Pollution? Theoretical, Definitional and Policy Concerns with Conceptualizing Crime as Pollution. American Journal of Criminal Justice. 40, 4: 843-860.
Powers, R. A., Leili, J.*, Hagman, B., & Cohn, A. (2015). The Impact of College Education on Rape Myth Acceptance, Alcohol Expectancies, and Bystander Attitudes. Deviant Behavior, 36(12), 956–973.
Lynch, M. J., and Boggess, L.N. "Eco-cities, crime and justice: The implication of ecocity theory for social disorganization theory and green criminology." Sociological Spectrum. 35:309-328.
Jennings, Wesley, Piquero, Rocque, and Farrington. "The effects of binge and problem drinking on non-violent and violent offending over the life-course and adult adjustment problems into late middle age: Findings from the Cambridge Study in Delinquent Development". Journal of Criminal Justice, 43, 453-463.
Jennings, Wesley, Gover, and Piquero. "A multi-level examination of life-course offending trajectories: Implications for a theoretically integrated model for explaining criminal behavior". Korean Journal of Public Safety and Criminal Justice, 24, 373-403.
Donner, C. M., Jennings, W. G., & Banfield, J. (2015). The General Nature of Online and Off-Line Offending Among College Students. Social Science Computer Review, 33(6), 663-679.
Powers, R. "Consequences of using self-protective behaviors in non-sexual assaults: The differential risk of completion and injury by victim gender." Violence and Victims, 30(5), 846-869.
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