Faculty Publications

Faculty Publications 2019


Semenza, D.C., & Grosholz, J.M. (2019). Physical health and mental illness in prison: How co-occurring disorders influence inmate misconduct. Health and Justice, 7(1), 1-12.

Reid, Joan A. & Thomas A. Loughran (2019). Parallel-Process Trajectories of Exposure to Violence and Psychological Distress among Justice-Involved Youth. Criminal Behaviour and Mental Health 29(2), 74-84.

Unnever, James D., Shaun L. Gabbidon, Katheryn Russell-Brown, and Akwasi Owusu-Bempah 2019 “Building a Black Criminology: The Time Is Now.” . (1) 44. 


Taralynne Brewer, K., Cochran, J. K., Powers, R. A., & Sellers, C. S. (2018). Intimate partner violence and the capacity and desire for self-control. Deviant Behavior, 40(7), 753–777.

Fox, B. & DeLisi, M. (2019). Psychopathic killers: A meta-analytic review of the psychopathy-homicide nexus. Aggression and Violent Behavior, 44, 67-79.

Muniz, C.*, Fox, B., Miley, L.*, DeLisi, M., Cigarran, G., & Birnbaum, A. (2019). The effects of adverse childhood experiences on internalizing versus externalizing outcomes: A propensity score matching approach. Criminal Justice and Behavior. 46(4), 568-589.

Carter, J., & Fox, B. (2019). Community policing and intelligence-led policing: An examination of convergent or discriminant validity. Policing: An International Journal, 42(1), 43-58.

Wagers, S. M., & Wareham, J. (2019) Does training and coursework in domestic violence affect ܽƵapps’ perceptions of behaviors as domestic violence? Violence and Victims, 34(1), 85- 103.

Haner, M., Cullen, F. T., Lero Jonson, C., Burton, A. L., & Kulig, T. C. (2019). Price of Liberty or Never Again: Americans’ Views on Preventing Mass Murder. Justice Evaluation Journal, 2(1), 50–72.

Haner, M., Cullen, F. T., & Benson, M. L. (2020). Women and the PKK: Ideology, Gender, and Terrorism. International Criminal Justice Review, 30(3), 279-301.

Moule, R. K., & Powers, R. A. (2021). An Experimental Assessment of Third Parties as Potential Guardians: Victim Gender, Conflict, and Individual Perceptions of Social Situations. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 36(13-14), NP7740-NP7764.


Moule Jr, R. K., Burruss, G. W., Gifford, F. E., Parry, M. M., & Fox, B. (2019). Legal socialization and subcultural norms: Examining linkages between perceptions of procedural justice, legal cynicism, and the code of the street. Journal of Criminal Justice, 61, 26-39.

Moule, R. K., Burruss, G. W., Parry, M. M. and Fox, B. (2019), Assessing the Direct and Indirect Effects of Legitimacy on Public Empowerment of Police: A Study of Public Support for Police Militarization in America. Law & Society Rev, 53: 77-107. DOI:

Burruss, G.W., Holt, T.J., Bossler, A.M. (2019) “Revisiting the Suppression Relationship between Social Learning and Self-Control on Software Piracy.” Social Science Computer Review. 37(2).

Shadmanfaat, S. M. (Shamila), Cochran, J. K., Muniz, C. N.*, & Kabiri, S. (2018). Soccer Hooliganism in Iran: A Test of Agnew’s General Strain Theory. Deviant Behavior, 40(5), 544–558.

Unnever, J., Owusu-Bempah, A., & Deryol, R. (2019). A Test of the Differential Involvement Hypothesis. Race and Justice, 9(2), 197-224.

Wagers, S. M. (2019). Policing behind closed doors: Understanding the complexities and challenges to responding to domestic violence. In Utechet, C. (ed.). Current Issues in Policing. San Diego: Cognella. 

Wagers, S. M., Wareham, J., & Sellers, C. S. (2021). Testing the Validity of an Internal Power Theory of Interpersonal Violence. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 36(15-16), 7223-7248.


Cochran, J. K., Marier, C. J.*, Jennings, W. G., Smith, M. D., Bjerregaard, B., & Fogel, S. J. (2019). Rape, Race, and Capital Punishment: An Enduring Cultural Legacy of Lethal Vengeance? Race and Justice, 9(4), 383-406.  

Moule, R. K., Fox, B. H., & Parry, M. M. (2019). The Long Shadow of Ferguson: Legitimacy, Legal Cynicism, and Public Perceptions of Police Militarization. Crime & Delinquency, 65(2), 151-182.

Scheuerman, H., Grosholz, J.M., & Thaxton, S. (2019). Reexamining the link between parental knowledge and delinquency: Unpacking the influence of adolescents’ and their parents’ perceptions. Deviant Behavior, 40(6), 703-721.

Haner, M., Benson, M.L. & Cullen, F.T.  (2019) Code of the Terrorists: The PKK and the Social Construction of Violence. Critical Criminology, 27, 393-419.


Lee, J.R., Holt, T.J., Burruss, G.W., Bossler, A.M. (2019). Examining English and Welsh Detectives’ Views of Online Crime. International Criminal Justice Review.

Ngo, F.T. (2019), "Stalking: an examination of the correlates of subsequent police responses", Policing: An International Journal, Vol. 42 No. 3, pp. 362-375.  

Reid, Joan A. & Julia E. Strauss (2019). Child Sexual Exploitation and Human Trafficking.  In Frances P. Bernat, Kelly Frailing, & Karen Obas (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Women and Crime. Hoboken, NY: John Wiley & Sons Inc.


R. Dembo, J. Faber, J. Cristiano, J. Wareham, J. Krupa*, J. Schmeidler, A. Terminello, &. R. DiClemente (2019). Individual and Community Level Factors in the STD Status of Justice Involved Youth: Multi-Group Exploratory Two-Level Analysis. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 48, 2171-2186.

Robertson, A.A., Hiller, M., Dembo, R. et al. (2019). National survey of juvenile community supervision agency practices and caregiver involvement in behavioral health treatment. Journal of Child & Family Studies.  

Moule, R. K., Parry, M. M., & Fox, B. (2018). Public support for police use of SWAT: examining the relevance of legitimacy. Journal of Crime and Justice, 42(1), 45–59.

Haner, M., Sloan, M. M., Cullen, F. T., Kulig, T. C., & Lero Jonson, C. (2019). Public Concern about Terrorism: Fear, Worry, and Support for Anti-Muslim Policies. Socius, 5.

Reid, J. A., & Loughran, T. A. (2019). A Latent Class Typology of Justice-Involved Youth Victims and Exploration of Trauma-Related Psychological Symptoms. Justice Quarterly, 38(2), 181–195.  

Powers, R.A., and Socia, K. (2019). Racial animosity, adversary effect, and hate crime: Parsing out injuries in intraracial, interracial, and race-based offenses. Crime & Delinquency, 65(4), 447-473.

Testa, A., Weiss, D. B., & Rennó Santos, M. (2019). A cross-national analysis of alcohol consumption and suicide rates: Variations by population-level drinking patterns. Journal of Drug Issues, 49(4), 625-642.  

Unnever, J. D., & Chouhy, C. (2019). Race, Gender, and Perceptions of Peer Delinquency: A Within-Subject Analysis. Deviant Behavior, 41(11), 1413–1430.

Dembo, R., Faber, J., Cristiano, J., DiClemente, R.J., Terminello, A. (2020). Behavioral Health and the Juvenile Justice System. In: Levin, B.L., Hanson, A. (eds) Foundations of Behavioral Health. Springer, Cham.

Orchowsky, S., Leiber, M.J., & Jaynes, C.M. (2019). Disproportionate Minority Contact in North Carolina: An Assessment Study. Prepared for the State of North Carolina. Prepared for the North Carolina’s Governor’s Crime Commission, Juvenile Justice Planning Committee/State Advisory Group and DMC Subcommittee (July): 1-235.


Bossler A.M., Holt T.J., Cross C, Burruss G.W. Policing fraud in England and Wales: examining constables’ and sergeants’ online fraud preparedness. Security Journal. 2020/06//;33(2):311-328. .

Masoomeh (Shamila) Shadmanfaat, S., Kabiri, S., Smith, H., & Cochran, J. K. (2019). A Longitudinal Study of Iranian Fans’ Cyberbullying: The Utility of Social Learning Theory. Deviant Behavior, 41(12), 1616–1635.  

Kabiri, S., Cochran, J. K., Severson, R.*, Shadmanfaat, S. M., Rahmati, M. M., & Sharepour, M. (2018). Social and Personal Controls and Performance Enhancing Drug Use: Toward an Explanation of Doping Activity among Professional Athletes in Rasht, Iran. Deviant Behavior, 39(11), 1483-1496D.

Jeanis, M.*, Fox, B., & Muniz, C*. (2019). Revitalizing profiles of runaways: A latent class analysis of delinquent runaway youth. Child and Adolescent Social Work, 36(2), 171-187.

Grosholz, J.M., Isom Scott, D.A., Semenza, D.C., & Fleck, A.M. (2019). Vicarious family health strain and juvenile delinquency. Youth & Society. Advance Online Publication.


Reid, Joan A. (2019). Internet Sales of Minors. In Frances P. Bernat, Kelly Frailing, & Karen Obas (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Women and Crime. Hoboken, NY: John Wiley & Sons Inc.

Reid, Joan A. (2019). Effects of Child Sexual Abuse. In Frances P Bernat, Kelly Frailing, & Karen Obas (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Women and Crime. Hoboken, NY: John Wiley & Sons Inc.


Krupa, J. M.*, Boggess, L. N., Chamberlain, A. W., & Grubesic, T. H. (2021). Noxious Housing: The Influence of Single Room Occupancy (SRO) Facilities on Neighborhood Crime. Crime & Delinquency, 67(9), 1404-1428.  

Dembo, R., Krupa, J. M.*, Faber, J., DiClemente, R. J., Wareham, J., & Schmeidler, J. (2019). An Examination of Gender Differences in Bullying among Justice-involved Adolescents. Deviant Behavior, 42(2), 268–287.

Scheitle, C., Moule, R. K., & Fox, B. (2019). Googling in fear: Measuring moral panic using internet searches before and after Obama’s 2008 election. Deviant Behavior, 40(11), 1333-1348.

Turner, F., & Fox, B. (2019). Public servants or police soldiers? An analysis of opinions on the militarization of policing from police executives, law enforcement, and members of the 114th congress U.S. house of representatives. Police Practice and Research, 20(2), 122-138.

Grosholz, J.M., Stone, S.S., Fleck, A.M., & Ngo, F.T. (2019). The Benefits of Long-Term Treatment for Adult Victims of Sex Trafficking. In V. Demos, M. T. Segal and K. Kelly (Eds.), Gender and Practice: Insights from the Field, Advances in Gender Research, Vol. 27 (pp. 149-165). Emerald Publishing.

Jaynes, C.M., & Loughran, T.A. (2019). Social Preferences as an Individual Difference in Offender Decision-Making. Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency, 56(1): 129-169.

Seyyed Masoomeh (Shamila) Shadmanfaat, C. Jordan Howell*, Caitlyn N. Muniz,* John K. Cochran, Saeed Kabiri, & Dustin A. Richardson*. (2019). The Predictive Ability of Self-Control and Differential Association on Sports Fans' Decision to Engage in Cyber Bullying Perpetration against Rivals. International Journal of Cyber-Criminology, 12(2): 362-375

Dennis ML, Smith CN, Belenko S, Knight D, McReynolds L, Rowan G, Dembo R, DiClemente R, Robertson A, Wiley T. Operationalizing a Behavioral Health Services Cascade of Care Model: Lessons Learned from a 33-Site Implementation in Juvenile Justice Community Supervision. Federal Probatation. 2019 Sep;83(2):52-64. PMID: 34366438; PMCID:


Givens, Eugena M. & Joan A. Reid (2019). Developmental Trajectories of Physical Aggression and Nonaggressive Rule-Breaking during Late Childhood and Early Adolescence. Criminal Justice & Behavior 46(3), 395–414.

Rennó Santos, M. R., Testa, A., Porter, L. C., & Lynch, J. P. (2019). The contribution of age structure to the international homicide decline. PLOS ONE, 14(10): e0222996.

Kulig, T. C., Cullen, F. T., & Haner, M. (2019). President or Predator? The Social Construction of Donald Trump in a Divided America. Victims & Offenders, 14(8), 940–964.


Howell, C. J*, Burruss, G. W., Maimon, D., & Sahani, S. (2019). Website defacement and routine activities: considering the importance of hackers’ valuations of potential targets. Journal of Crime and Justice, 42(5), 536-550.

R. Dembo, J. M. Krupa*, J. Wareham, J. Faber, J. Cristiano, R.J. DiClemente, A. Terminello, & J. Schmeidler (2019). An exploratory structural equation model of stress-related experiences among justice-involved youth: A gender comparison. Criminal Justice and Behavior. 

Heirigs, M., DeLisi, M., Fox, B., Dhingra, K., & Vaughn, M. (2019). Psychopathy and suicidal thoughts and behaviors revisited: Results from a statewide population of institutionalized youth. International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology, 63(6), 874-895.

Isom Scott, D.A., & Grosholz, J.M. (2019). Unpacking the racial disparity in crime from a racialized general strain theory perspective. Deviant Behavior, 40(12), 1445-1463.

Moule, R. K., Parry, M., & Fox, B. (2019).  Legal socialization and selective exposure to “cop-watching” websites. Policing: An International Journal 42: 1063-1080.

Maimon, D., Rennó Santos, M., & Park, Y. (2019). Online deception and situations conducive to the progression of non-payment fraud. Journal of Crime and Justice, 42(5), 516-535.


Ngo, F. T., Grosholz, J. M., & Stone, S. S. (2019). Informal Labeling and School Victimization: An Elaboration of Labeling Theory and Preliminary Results. In G. Crews (Ed.), Handbook of Research on School Violence in American K-12 Education (pp. 139-153). IGI Global.

Fox, B., Verona, E., & Fournier, L. (2019). Psychological assessment of risk in a county jail: Implications for reentry, recidivism, and detention practices in the United States. Journal of Criminal Psychology, 9(4), 173-186.  

Parry, M. M., Dario, L. M., & Moule, R. K. (2019). Is Seeing believing?: On the Content Validity of Video Recordings for Use in Criminological Research. Deviant Behavior, 42(7), 807–820.

Reid, J.A., Richards, T.N., Kulig, T.C. (2019). Human Trafficking and Intimate Partner Violence. In Geffner R., Vieth V., Vaughan-Eden V., Rosenbaum A., Hamberger L., White J. (eds) Handbook of Interpersonal Violence Across the Lifespan. Springer, Cham.

Rennó Santos, M. R.,United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime. (2019). Corruption in Nigeria: Patterns and trends. Second survey on corruption as experienced by the population.

Rennó Santos, M. R.,United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime. (2019). Global Study on Homicide 2019.

Pate, M., Wagers, S. M., Owen, S., Simpkins, C. (2019). Learning in a community: Evidence of the effectiveness and challenges of learning communities. Journal of Criminal Justice Education.

Unnever, James D. and Akwasi Owusu-Bempah 2019 “A Black Criminology Matters.” In Building a Black Criminology: Race, Theory, and Crime, James D. Unnever, Shaun L. Gabbidon, and Cecilia Chouhy (eds.) (pgs. 3-28). Routledge Press: New York, NY.

Unnever, James D. 2019 “The Racial Invariance Thesis.” In Building a Black Criminology: Race, Theory, and Crime, James D. Unnever, Shaun L. Gabbidon, and Cecilia Chouhy (eds.) (pgs. 77-101). Routledge Press: New York.

Unnever, James D., Shaun L. Gabbidon, and Cecilia Chouhy (eds) (2019). Building a Black Criminology: Race, Theory, and Crime. Routledge Press: New York, NY.

Stone, S. S. & Grosholz, J. M.  (2019). Program Evaluation of the Manatee County Community Paramedicine Program – Phase I. Submitted to the Manatee County Department of Public Safety. 

R. Dembo, J. M. Krupa*, J. Wareham, J. Faber, R.J. DiClemente, and J. Schmeidler (2019). Latent class analysis of exposure to childhood trauma and health risks among justice-involved youth: Gender differences. Mental Health and Addiction Research.

Ngo, F.T., Grosholz, J.M., & Stone, S.S. (2019). Informal Labeling and School Victimization: An Elaboration of Labeling Theory and Preliminary Results. In G. A. Crews (Ed.). Handbook of Research on School Violence in American K-12 Education (pp. 139-153). IGI Global.

Haner, Murat & Sloan, M. Melissa. (Forthcoming) “Becoming a Terrorist: Terrorism as a Life-Course Trajectory”. Security Journal

Burruss, G., Howell, C.J.*, Bossler, A. and Holt, T.J. (2020), "Self-perceptions of English and Welsh constables and sergeants preparedness for online crime: A latent class analysis", Policing: An International Journal, Vol. 43 No. 1, pp. 105-119.