Faculty Advisory Board

Beatriz Padilla

Dr. Beatriz Padilla
Director of the Institute of Latin American and the Caribbean Studies, and Associate Professor of Sociology


Roberto Jiménez
Hailing from Puerto Rico, Roberto is a Senior Instructor of Spanish, currently serving as Undergraduate Director of Spanish


Dr. Adriana Novoa
Professor of History
Dr. Novoa is a cultural historian whose specialty is science in Latin America.

Barbara Cruz

Dr. Bárbara Cruz 
Professor of Social Science Education, teaching undergraduate and graduate courses, conducting research on global and multicultural issues.


Dr. Elizabeth Hordge-Freeman
Associate Professor of Sociology

Luis Mantilla

Dr. Luis Felipe Mantilla 
Associate Professor and Associate Chair for Political Science, St. Petersburg campus.

Aaron Augsburger

Dr. Aaron Augsburger 
Assistant Professor of the School of Interdisciplinary Global Studies.

Fenda Akiwumi

Dr. Fenda Akiwumi 
Director of the Institute on Black Life, Professor in the Geography, Environmental Science and Policy Program

Diana Leon-Boys

Dr. Diana Leon-Boys
Assistant Professor in the Department of Communication. Her research and teaching interests are in critical media and cultural studies, Latinx studies, and girlhood studies.

Anabela Villach

Anabela Villach
ISLAC Staff Assistant