Career Resources

Benefits Employees Seek

Although it's important for ܽƵapps to develop the skills employers seek, it is equally important for ܽƵapps to reflect on the benefits they seek from employers. Students and recent graduates who are going on the job market will want to be discriminating in their selection of employers, especially if they receive multiple job offers.

Among the things that you'll want to consider before accepting a job offer are:

  1. Is the salary competitive?
    • Based on data gathered in 2016, there is a projected growth of 17.3% in jobs for which those with a Sociology or ISS bachelor’s degree would qualify. In Florida in 2016, the average salary for those entering the workforce with these degrees was $46,379. When this is broken down by the employment sectors that our majors enter, the average salary for those with a bachelor’s degree in Sociology was…
      • $54k for those who are employed in “Writing and Language.”
      • $51k for those who are employed in “General Research.”
      • $50k for those who are employed in “Non-Technical Sales,” or “Insurance Claims and Sales.”
      • $43k for “Client Support and Sales.”
      • $40k for those employed in “Legal Support” or “Policy Analysis and Planning.”
      • $38k for those employed in “Journalism and Broadcasting.”
      • $37k for those employed in “Human Resources” or “Hospitality and Travel.”
      • $30k for those employed in “Youth and Career Counseling.”

        (Source: Data provided by )

  2. Is the benefits backage good?
    • What will the employer provide in terms of health insurance, educational benefits, professional development, attendance and leave, retirement planning, etc.?

  3. Do the current employees feel that their employer respects them?

  4. Do you think that the employer will provide you with what you think you need in order to be successful in your professional and personal life?

  5. Does the employer provide workplace flexibility?
    • Recent studies show that having flexible work options (e.g., flexible schedules, the ability to telecommute, etc.) helps reduce workplace stress and enhances work-life balance.

  6. Does the employer demonstrate a commitment to the employees' health and wellbeing?

  7. Does the employer have a mission/purpose that aligns with your values?

Sources: Kohil, Alan. July 10, 2018. "." Forbes