2020 News Stories

Assistant Professor receives FJER’s 2019 Reviewer of the Year Award

Tanetha Jamay Grosland, PhD

Tanetha Jamay Grosland, PhD

TAMPA, Fla. (Feb. 20, 2020) — Tanetha J. Grosland, PhD, an assistant ܽƵapp of educational leadership and policy studies in the College of Education, was awarded the 2019 Reviewer of the Year award by the (FJER). 

Published by the (FERA), FJER seeks to facilitate conversations between educators, policy-makers and researchers by publishing articles that examine issues important to Florida’s educational community.  Articles include original research, literature reviews, implementation and evaluation studies, and theoretical, conceptual and policy papers submitted by members and non-members of FERA. Since 1996, FJER has been an open-access, peer-reviewed academic journal. 

When asked about her recent achievement, Dr. Grosland not only expressed her excitement, but she also shared the importance of being a reviewer and serving on the editorial board.

“I’m honored because I care about reviewing a lot,” Dr. Grosland said. “You don’t understand the brevity of reviewing until you start doing it. Keeping the journals going in our profession is something critical.” 

Prior to entering the education profession, Dr. Grosland was a political scientist on Capitol Hill. She worked as a staff assistant focused on press relations and legislative research in Washington, D.C. in the United States Senate for the late Senator Rod Grams (R-Minnesota) then in St. Paul for the late Congressman Bruce Vento (D-Minnesota, 4th Congressional District). Her research focuses on the politics of education, with a special interest in the relationship between emotional conditions, political issues and/or policy.