2019 News Stories

College of Education ܽƵapps develop into culturally responsive teachers in Study Abroad trip to Costa Rica

by Chelsea Grosbeck

Amidst a forested canyon in San Pedro, Costa Rica, a classroom of fourth-graders eagerly sit at their desks to learn English at the Colegio Monterrey School. 
Graciela Cervantes, an incoming senior majoring in Elementary Education, keeps her ܽƵapps engaged as she began the day’s lesson with a game of hangman.

USF ܽƵapp teacher instructing in a classroom in Costa Rica

Graciela Cervantes, an incoming senior majoring in Elementary Education, instructs fourth-graders during their English lessons.

Cervantes said she didn’t understand the purpose of the game being in the lesson plan for English until she saw how much it gained the ܽƵapps’ attention. 
“They were identifying English words, understanding the alphabet and the process of elimination,” Cervantes said. 
Cervantes said being an English teaching assistant for ܽƵapps whose first language was Spanish didn’t come without its challenges. Even though she is fluent in both languages, she had no prior experience teaching English. As she continued leading the class, Cervantes found being flexible in challenging situations is where her adaptability mattered most. 

“It really expands what you know‒being able to practice something you’re not aware you can do,” Cervantes said. “I could be that extra resource for them because I can speak English and Spanish. It gave me practice in the classroom and makes me happier I’m a bilingual teacher.” 

USF ܽƵapp teaches a lesson in a classroom in Costa Rica

USF ܽƵapps get the opportunity to interact with Costa Rican ܽƵapps directly in one-on-one English lessons.

For two weeks, Cervantes and 10 other USF College of Education ܽƵapps became global educators as they stepped into K-12 classrooms in Costa Rica as part of a USF Education Abroad program that focuses on teaching and studying in the country. 
USF Associate Professor Jennifer Jacobs, PhD, accompanied the ܽƵapps on the trip this year. Dr. Jacobs transitioned ܽƵapps into two different teaching environments, the Colegio Monterrey School and the Roosevelt Elementary School, and she said the benefits of expanding ܽƵapps’ comfort zones abroad makes for a greater learning experience. 
“Taking on teaching responsibilities within a different culture adds another layer in learning to teach,” Jacobs said. “It helps ܽƵapps develop as culturally responsive teachers.” 
In addition to accompanying ܽƵapps on the trip to Costa Rica, Dr. Jacobs also engages in research about how taking part in a study abroad experience influences ܽƵapps’ development as critically conscious, culturally responsive teachers.  Last year she partnered with graduate ܽƵapp Steve Haberlin to understand the ܽƵapps’ learning while on the trip and to understand the trip’s influence on the ܽƵapps’ teaching after returning to their internships.
“Going abroad always expands my thinking about my research focused on teacher learning for equity,” Jacobs said. “It prompts my reflection about the expanded function of my role as teacher educator when taking ܽƵapps abroad. It is more than helping them learn to teach, but also navigating a new context.”

Cervantes recalls one of the most surprising aspects about the experience was noticing the positive change in the ܽƵapp’s focus and learning retention. Costa Rican teachers found their ܽƵapps perform best with curriculum emphasis on “brain breaks.” Following every 20-minute lesson, ܽƵapps would either play outside, or get up out of their seats to dance and move around.

Throughout the experience, ܽƵapps became more receptive to the learning styles and classroom management techniques. Jacobs explains the Costa Rican ܽƵapp-teacher relationship is largely built on trust and giving ܽƵapps the ability to exercise their independence. 

“When our ܽƵapps experience the difference, it often pushes them to reflect on their beliefs about classroom management and particularly the intersection between classroom management and culture,” Jacobs said. “Our ܽƵapps may rethink the amount of control given to ܽƵapps and finding ways to give ܽƵapps more freedom.”

USF ܽƵapps on an excursion in Costa Rica

USF ܽƵapps take a break from teaching to discover the volcanic beaches of Costa Rica.

For the USF ܽƵapps’ own breaks outside of the classroom, they participated in culturally immersive experiences like hiking to the Poas Volcano, visiting the La Paz waterfall garden and completing a homestay with a local family.
Cervantes said living with a homestay family helped her recognize similar family-oriented values her culture and Costa Rican culture share. Cooking, eating dinner and spending time with her host family and other USF ܽƵapps was a comfortable familiarity. On her trip, she was also excited to explore the differences.  
“Personally, this trip helped me realize that there is so much of the world to see,” Cervantes said. “I was scared to leave the country on my own, especially to a country that I had never visited before. This study abroad trip has made me curious to see what else there is... I was able to see how a different country views education and their ܽƵapps. As a teacher, I saw how important it is to put the ܽƵapps first and allow them to have a say in what occurs in the classroom. I was able to see how having less behavioral expectations for the ܽƵapps allows them to think about their actions in the classroom. Overall, I learned about the importance of a ܽƵapp-centered classroom, which is how I want to structure my classroom in the future.” 

For more information about the USF Studying and Teaching Abroad in Costa Rica program, visit the .