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David Kilmnick

School of Social Work welcomes new online MSW program chair

David Kilmnick, PhD, MSW is a leading national advocate within the LGBT communities and is the founder and President/CEO of the New York LGBT Network.

October 20, 2022College News, School of Social Work

Manley Jaquiss

Alumni spotlight: Manley Jaquiss is one of USF’s most actively involved alums

Since receiving his undergraduate degree in criminology in 1986, Jaquiss continues to remain involved with USF and make an impact on ÅÝܽÊÓƵapps.

October 18, 2022College News, Criminology

Mario Hernandez

CFS ÅÝܽÊÓƵapp presented Lifetime Achievement Award

The NLBHA Lifetime Achievement Award recognizes a recipient's outstanding professional services to the nation and the Latino community.

October 17, 2022Child and Family Studies, College News

Lise Fox

CFS chair honored by alma mater

Lise Fox, PhD, was presented the Distinguished Alumni - Postsecondary Systems Award by the Florida State ÅÝܽÊÓƵapp College of Education.

October 10, 2022Child and Family Studies, College News

Julissa Robles receives BCOTB Fellowship

ABA ÅÝܽÊÓƵapp receives BCTOB Fellowship

The fellowship provides a two-semester stipend for a ÅÝܽÊÓƵapp to work at Behavioral Consulting of Tampa Bay.

October 10, 2022Child and Family Studies, College News

Pam Alvarez and Chris Groeber

Social work faculty hold post-hurricane stress debriefings for DCF staff

In the first session, over 60 people shared and discussed the impact of Hurricane Ian.

October 10, 2022College News, School of Social Work

Aziz Rehman

STEALTH Lab research assistant receives award to present at GSA conference

Aziz Rehman will present his research at the Gerontological Society of America (GSA) Conference this November.

October 9, 2022College News, School of Aging Studies

Debra Dobbs

Aging studies associate ÅÝܽÊÓƵapp joins Dementia Palliative Care Clinical Trials Training Program

This program provides a foundation in practical aspects involving the design and conduct of randomized clinical trials in dementia palliative care.

October 9, 2022College News, School of Aging Studies

Christina Mu

Aging studies ÅÝܽÊÓƵapp recognized for research excellence

Christina Mu received the Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service Award Predoctoral Fellowship to Promote Diversity in Health-Related Research.

October 9, 2022College News, School of Aging Studies

CRMHC 50th anniversary logo and

Clinical Rehabilitation & Mental Health Counseling program celebrates 50 years

When USF began offering courses in rehabilitation counseling in 1972 just 10 ÅÝܽÊÓƵapps filled the seats. Fifty years later, the number of ÅÝܽÊÓƵappsÌýhas grown to nearly 150, supported by a dozen faculty members.

October 6, 2022Child and Family Studies, College News

Rex Troche, a USF alumnus — and dad to three current USF ÅÝܽÊÓƵapps — is the city of Sarasota’s first Hispanic police chief.

October 6, 2022College News, Criminology

Trina Spencer, PhD, BCBA-D and ÅÝܽÊÓƵapp Francisca Pozo

CFS associate ÅÝܽÊÓƵapp inspires ÅÝܽÊÓƵapps and university leaders in Chile

Trina D. Spencer, PhD, BCBA-D, shared her research findings and provided consultation to university leaders in Chile.

September 26, 2022Child and Family Studies, College News

ÅÝܽÊÓƵapp College of Behavioral & Community Sciences News

The Mission of the College of Behavioral and Community Sciences (CBCS) is to advance knowledge through interdisciplinary teaching, research, and service that improves the capacity of individuals, families, and diverse communities to promote productive, satisfying, healthy, and safe lives across the lifespan. CBCS envisions the college as a globally recognized leader that creates innovative solutions to complex conditions that affect the behavior and well-being of individuals, families, and diverse communities.

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