Faculty & Staff


Teague, Gregory, PhD

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Title: Department Chair
Phone: (813) 974-7185
Office: MHC 2734
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Curriculum Vitae

Gregory B. Teague is an Associate Professor Department Chair in the Department of Mental Health Law & Policy. He received his Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology and Public Practice from Harvard ÅÝܽÊÓƵapp. His research interests have included a range of issues in behavioral health services research: fidelity to program models, effectiveness of consumer-operated services, involvement of persons with mental illnesses in the criminal justice system, performance measurement, self-directed care, cost-effectiveness of services for people with co-occurring serious mental illness and substance use disorders, consumer-provider relationships, and the impact of care coordination approaches within integrated behavioral and general health plans. His first measure of fidelity to assertive community treatment – an intensive service model for people with serious mental illnesses considered an essential program option within public service systems – came into wide use internationally and served as both the standard measure for this program and the prototype for later measures of fidelity to other evidence-based practices for this population; he and colleagues are currently evaluating the impact of their updated and expanded replacement measure, now also very widely adopted.

He has worked on several SAMHSA-sponsored national efforts in development and integration of performance measurement within behavioral health care, including the MHSIP consumer-oriented report card, standards for outcome measurement systems, and development and promulgation of common performance indicators and measures.

His teaching focuses on evidence-based practice in behavioral healthcare. He has also been active in faculty governance within USF, having served as president first of the USF Faculty Senate, then of the USF System Faculty Council, as USF Trustee, and as chair of several university-wide ad hoc committees.


  • Ph.D., Harvard ÅÝܽÊÓƵapp
  • B.A., Yale ÅÝܽÊÓƵapp 

Research Interests

  • Fidelity to program and service models
  • Involvement of persons with mental illnesses in the criminal justice system
  • Performance measurement & evaluation in behavioral health
  • Effectiveness of self-directed care and consumer-operated services
  • Effectiveness of care coordination in improving integration in health care systems 

Research Projects

Recent Publications

Clark, C., Young. M. S., Teague, G., & Rynearson-Moody, S. (2016). Development of a Measure of Housing and Housing Services. Community Mental Health Journal 52:1, 66-72 doi: 10.1007/s10597-015-9969-y

Moser, L. L., Monroe-DeVita, M., & Teague, G. B. (2013). Evaluating Integrated Dual Disorders Treatment within Assertive Community Treatment: A New Measure. Journal of Dual Diagnosis, 9:2, 187-194. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/15504263.2013.779480

Cuddeback, G. S., Morrissey, J. P., Domino, M. E., Monroe-DeVita, M., Teague, G. B., & Moser, L. L. (2013). Fidelity to Recovery-Oriented ACT Practices and Consumer Outcomes. Psychiatric Services in Advance, January 15, 2013; doi: 10.1176/appi.ps.201200097

Winters, L., Teague, G. B., & Yeager, K. (2013). Psychiatric risk management: Efforts to reduce unforeseen outcomes. In K. Yeager, D. Cutler, D. Svendsen & G. Sills (Eds.), Modern text of public and community psychiatry: An interdisciplinary approach. (pp. 534-550). New York, NY: Oxford ÅÝܽÊÓƵapp Press.

Teague, G. B., Mueser, K. T., & Rapp, C. A. (2012). Advances in fidelity measurement for mental health services research: Four measures. Psychiatric Services 63(8), 765-771

Constantine, R. J., Andel, R., Robst, J., & Teague, G. B. (2012). The impact of mental health services on arrests of offenders with a serious mental illness. Law and Human Behavior 36(3), 170-176.

Teague, G. B., Moser, L.L., & Monroe-DeVita, M. (2011). Established and emerging elements in the TMACT: Measuring fidelity to an evolving model. Journal of the American Psychiatric Nursing Association 17(1):17-29.

Monroe-DeVita, M., Teague, G. B., & Moser, L. L. (2011). The TMACT: A new tool for measuring fidelity to assertive community treatment. Journal of the American Psychiatric Nursing Association 17(1):34-36.

Teague, G. B., & Monroe-DeVita, M. (2011). Not by outcomes alone – Using peer evaluation to ensure fidelity to evidence-based assertive community treatment (ACT) practice. In J. L. Magnabosco & R. W. Manderscheid (Eds.), Outcomes Measurement in the Human Services: Cross-Cutting Issues and Methods (2nd ed.). Washington, DC: National Association of Social Workers Press.

Constantine R. J., Petrila J., Andel, R., Givens, E. M., Becker M, Robst J, Van Dorn, R., Boaz, T., Teague, G. B., Haynes, D., & Howe, A. (2010). Arrest trajectories of adult offenders with a serious mental illness. Psychology, Public Policy, and Law 16(4),319-339

Barrett, B., Young, M. S., Teague, G. B., Winarski, J., Moore, K. A., & Ochshorn, E. (2010). Recovery orientation of treatment, consumer empowerment, and satisfaction with services: A mediational model. Psychiatric Rehabilitation Journal 34(2), 153-156

Robst, J., Constantine, R. Boaz, T., Andel, R., Teague, G., Becker, M. & Howe, A. (2010). Short-term impact of preferred drug list changes on health care utilization and Medicaid costs: Injectable Risperidone.Psychiatric Services 61(9):937-939.

Constantine RJ, Andel R, Petrila J, Becker M, Robst J, Teague G, Boaz T, & Howe, A. (2010). Characteristics and Experiences of Adults with a Serious Mental Illness Who Were Involved in the Criminal Justice System. Psychiatric Services 61(5):451-457

Teague, G. B., & Caporino, N. (2008). Patient perceptions of care measures. In A. J. Rush Jr., M. B. First & D. Blacker (Eds.), Handbook of Psychiatric Measures (2nd ed., pp. 163-191). Washington, DC: American Psychiatric Association.

Mullen, C.A., Murthy, U., & Teague, G. B. (2008). Listening to those we serve: Assessing the research needs of university faculty. Journal of Research Administration 34(1):10-31.

Rogers, E. S., Teague, G. B., Lichtenstein, C. L., Campbell, J., Lyass, A., Chen, R., & Banks, S. (2007). The effects of participation in adjunctive consumer-operated programs on both personal and organizationally mediated empowerment: Results of a multi-site study. Journal of Rehabilitation Research and Development 44(6): 785–800.

Teague, G. B., Trabin, T., & Ray, C. (2006). Building a Common Language in Mental Health Care Delivery. In Albert R. Roberts and Kenneth R. Yeager (Eds.) Foundations of Evidence-Based Social Work Practice. New York; Oxford ÅÝܽÊÓƵapp Press.

Johnsen, M., Teague, G. B., & McDonel-Herr, E. (2005). Common ingredients as a fidelity measure. In S. Clay, B. Schell, P. Corrigan, R. Ralph (Eds.), On Our Own, Together: Peer Programs for People With Mental Illness. Nashville, TN: Vanderbilt ÅÝܽÊÓƵapp Press.

Teague, G. B., Trabin, T., & Ray, C. (2004). Toward common performance indicators and measures for accountability in behavioral healthcare. In Albert R. Roberts and Kenneth Yeager (Eds.) Evidence-Based Practice Manual: Research and Outcome Measures in Health and Human Services (pp. 46-61). New York: Oxford ÅÝܽÊÓƵapp Press.

Drake, R. E., Rosenberg, S. D., Teague, G. B., Bartels, S. J., & Torrey, W. C. (2003). Fundamental principles of evidence-based medicine applied to mental health care. In Evidence-based Practices in Mental Health. Special Issue: Psychiatric Clinics of North America, 26, 811-820.

Mowbray, C. T., Holder, M., Teague, G. B., & Bybee, D. (2003). Fidelity criteria: Development, measurement, and validation. American Journal of Evaluation, 24(3), 315-340.

Teague, G. B., Bond, G. R., & Drake, R. E. (1998). Program fidelity in assertive community treatment: Development and use of a measure. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 68(2), 216-232.