
Accounting Training

This group of programs provides understanding of the USF financial system including our funding sources, data systems, and related organizations. Basic Accounting Concepts provides a foundation for understanding and interpreting financial transactions in general ledger and Finance Mart.

Accounting Transactions

This group of programs provides detail information about accounting transactions. You will learn how to initiate corrections to accounting transactions.

Banking and Cash Management

All who participate in the processing and recording of bank card transactions are required to participate in training and demonstrate their knowledge as part of the annual USF PCI certification.

PCI & Cash Collections Training

These courses are intended for anyone employed by USF who is part of any USF authorized cash handling process. All who participate in the processing and recording of bank card transactions are required to participate in training and demonstrate their knowledge as part of the annual USF PCI certification. Review of the training documentation is below or a review can be done in Canvas before taking the quiz. Please follow the ink below.

Business Training

These documents provide guidance on general business topics. New employees are encouraged to view the Managing at USF video to help decide what training programs to attend.

FAST Module Training

This group of programs provides detail knowledge of specific modules in FAST. Please note that to be granted access to the Billing module, you must first attend in-class training. See GEMS Self-service for details.

Financial Reconciliation

Department Business Administrators have a responsibility for identifying and resolving financial problems. One of the most important internal controls in a business setting is to reconcile a department’s records to source documentation ensuring revenues and expenses that have been recorded are legitimate.

Queries for Reporting Financial Information

A large number of queries currently exist in FAST to help you manage your funds and transactions. Queries may be either private, connected to your FAST ID that only you may use, or public for any user to use. Most USF public queries are recognizable; they are named as U_xxxxxxx. A USF public query may be saved and renamed as a private query by any user.