
Department Software Licenses

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Sequencher 5.0 DNA Analysis Software

Connection to the license requires the computer being a USF network computer or any other computer connected to . Clicking the preceding link will allow you to install VPN on your personal computer.

Downloads for Sequencher for Windows

  • Client Install Network Connect (.zip)
  • Sequencher 5.0* (.zip)
  • Next Gen Sequencing Analysis and External Tools (.zip)

Downloads for Sequencher for Mac

*You will find additional tutorials and the Sequencher 5.0 user manual in this compressed folder

Shared licenses for Sequencher 5.0 DNA sequence assembly and analysis software are available for CMMB faculty, post docs and ܽƵapps. The department subscribes to both Microsoft and Apple platform compatible licenses. Sequencher 5.0 provides DNA assembly algorithms for both traditional and next-generation sequencing. Sequencher enables users to perform the following types of sequence analyses and utilize the following features:

  • Maq
  • SNP analysis
  • Reference alignment
  • Variance tabling
  • Translated variances
  • Restriction mapping

Users can find detailed instructions on software use and installation in the folder titled “CAS-CMMB Sequencer” located on the CMMB departments O-Drive. Instructions for installing sequencer on a USF network computer can be accessed here. If you would like to use Sequencher on your home computer you will need to establish a VPN Connection with USF to access both the O- Share Drive and the License.

The following pdf tutorials will assist you in your analysis: