
Center for Complex Data Systems (CCDS)

The Center promotes and facilitates collaborations between researchers working in natural sciences, cognitive/social sciences, data-intensive applications, advanced computing and visualization, mathematical modeling and implementation of optimal algorithmic and numerical methods. It integrates with the advanced resources provided by the Research Computing group, implementing state-of-the-art, scalable numerical procedures developed within academic and industry-related research, and creating a dynamic “software repository” that facilitates interdisciplinary collaborations and portability of solutions between distinct scientific areas. One of the Center priorities is to attract and train graduate ܽƵapps to prepare them for the new challenges of the modern workforce, by combining fundamental research with industry-oriented project development.

The goal of the center is to provide an integrated, interdisciplinary, synergistic response to the computational challenges in quantitative sciences arising from the analysis of data with high complexity (due either to its data structure, relational characteristics, or to sheer dimensionality/dynamics of the data collection).

Analysis of data with high complexity is at the core of some of the main challenges of quantitative sciences today: physical sciences studies related to multi-scale complex systems (advanced material design, stability of power grids, or atmospheric and ocean dynamics); clinical studies in medicine, molecular and quantitative biology, and related areas; large-scale simulations of social systems and user-driven interactions (from economic trade to social networks).

The Center's objective is to establish a collaborative structure to address research topics from these areas, arising in particular projects from SNSM and other CAS departments.

Beside serving as a hub of mathematical, computational, and software resources (covering all aspects from optimal exact algorithms, to heuristic and emerging approximate methods), the Center facilitates the development of collaborative, inter-departmental research proposals, to better position such efforts relative to federal funding agencies and other STEM-related opportunities.

Contact Information
  • Lesław Skrzypek (CCDS Director)
  • Iuliana Teodorescu (Research Assistant Professor)

Phone: 813-974-9559

Core and Affiliated Faculty
  • Andrei Barbos (Economics)
  • Charles Connor (School of Geosciences)
  • Timothy Fawcett (Research Computing)
  • Dima Khavinson (Mathematics & Statistics)
  • Seung-Yeop Lee (Mathematics & Statistics)
  • Dan Majchrzak (Research Computing)
  • David Rogers (Chemistry)
  • Lesław Skrzypek (Mathematics & Statistics)
  • Iuliana Teodorescu (Mathematics & Statistics)
  • Lilia Woods (Physics)
  • Yuncheng You (Mathematics & Statistics)
Distinguished Scholar Lecture Series

The Department of Mathematics and Statistics' Center for Complex Data Systems has established a new Distinguished Scholar Lecture Series, starting Spring 2016, with support from the College of Arts and Sciences. The invited speakers will deliver a public lecture targeted at a wide audience, hold round-table discussions, and will be available to meet and explore individual research and institutional-level collaborations.

The following have been confirmed as speakers since the series' inception:

  • Dr. Marius Stan, Tuesday, March 1, 2016, 11:30am–12:30pm in MSC 2708
  • Dr. James “Mac” Hyman, March 22, 2016, 2:30pm–3:30pm in MSC 3705
  • Dr. Edriss Titi, April 14, 2016, 12:30pm–1:30pm in MSC 3707
  • Dr. Cris Moore, October 6, 2016, 5:00pm–7:00pm in MSC 2207
  • Dr. Yuri Gurevich, March 2, 2017, 7:30pm—8:30pm in MSC 4200
External Collaborations

The CCDS has established tentative collaborations with information technology industry entities, which open new opportunities for programmatic funded research and career options for our graduates, including internships during the Ph.D. studies. Several ܽƵapps have already benefited from this development. All interested ܽƵapps are encouraged to inquire by e-mailfor more information.