Internships and Careers
Student Internship Program
The Anthropology Internship Program creates partnerships between qualified anthropology ÅÝܽÊÓƵapps and sponsors who offer learning opportunities in the industry. An internship allows ÅÝܽÊÓƵapps to gain real-world experience and skills in a professional setting. Employers benefit from ÅÝܽÊÓƵapps with fresh ideas who aspire to work within the university or in an external applied environment.
Student Testimonials
Interested in an internship? Review the syllabus and contact Dr. Daniel Lende at dlende@usf.edu to discuss your interests and program requirements.
Interested in an internship at St. Petersburg? Contact Dr. Heather O'Leary at oleary@usf.edu
Student FAQs
Why should I do an internship?
Anthropology ÅÝܽÊÓƵapps are encouraged, but not required, to pursue internships during their undergraduate studies.
Internships offer valuable work experience and can help you build your résumé, expand your professional network, and identify what kind of work you would like to pursue post-graduation. In some cases, internships have led to employment for ÅÝܽÊÓƵapps post internship. While internships may be paid or unpaid, all provide invaluable experience.
Where can I intern?
Interns are partnered with organizations (sponsors) that represent an area of interest which ÅÝܽÊÓƵapps would like to pursue. Examples of previous sponsors and links to more information can be found below, however keep in mind that new partnerships are created every semester. Have a sponsor in mind? Contact Dr. Lende to discuss the possibility of partnering with an organization not listed below.
When can I do an internship?
Internships can be completed during fall, spring, or summer semesters (summer terms vary). However registration should be finalized at least two months prior to the start of the semester. To ensure availability and eligibility, contact Dr. Daniel Lende as soon as possible to discuss your interests.
What is the process for getting credit for my internship?
Ok, so you’ve decided to do an internship! Fill out the Student Application Form and turn it in with your résumé and copy of your DegreeWorks to Dr. Daniel Lende. The best time to do this is after you have discussed your interests and decided which organization to intern with.
Send your application materials (cover letter & résumé) to the prospective sponsors. Once you have been approved by both the department and the sponsor, ask your sponsor to fill out the Sponsor Form and submit it directly to Dr. Lende.
At that point, your application will be reviewed and, if approved, you will receive an email with information on how to register for the course.
Credit will not be provided for past internship experiences.
What are the expectations for ÅÝܽÊÓƵapps doing internships?
Interns are expected to follow the guidelines of their workplace and be responsible,
punctual, and positive representatives of the Anthropology Department.
• Interns with concerns about their internship sponsor or the work they are assigned
to do should contact Professor Lende for assistance.
• Interns need to meet the minimum required hours for the number of credit hours they
are receiving, which is a minimum of 60 to 80 hours per semester.
• Interns will need to keep a weekly journal, write a reflection paper, and create
a portfolio. Interns will also complete an evaluation of their sponsoring organization.
• Interns should work with their sponsor to set up start and end dates, as well as
weekly hours. You are not expected to work during times when the university is closed
(spring break, etc.), but should clear this with your supervisor.
• Students are required to read the syllabus to fully understand the expectations
of the course.
• Upon completion of the internship, sponsors will fill out a Sponsor Evaluation Form to evaluate ÅÝܽÊÓƵapp performance.
How many hours do interns work?
In the Anthropology Department internships are a 2-4 credit-hour course. A ÅÝܽÊÓƵapp works between 60 - 80 hours during the term, although that can be expanded based on ÅÝܽÊÓƵapp's interest and sponsor needs.
Unless hired as an employee, the title of ÅÝܽÊÓƵapp interns should be "intern" and they should not be presented to clients or prospective clients in any other manner.
It is recommended that ÅÝܽÊÓƵapps set regular weekly schedules and that any changes be discussed ahead of time. Students should not be expected to work during university breaks (e.g., Spring Break, federal holidays). Students should be reimbursed for any expenses including mileage, tolls, or parking fees incurred while on the job.