Andrea Vianello
Office: SOC 046
Phone: 813/463-3936
Curriculum Vitae
Andrea Vianello (M.A., Ph.D.) has worked at excavations in Crete, Britain and Italy.
His research focuses on material analysis (obsidian, metals, ceramics, etc.) and the
prehistoric (Neolithic to Late Bronze Age) Mediterranean cultures. He works with pXRF,
SEM-EDS, SEM and XRD equipment and also carries out stable isotope analyses on carbon
and nitrogen for diet and oxygen and strontium for mobility.
He is researching exchanges and trade, human-environment interactions especially pertaining
to wetlands, cultural transmission, and socio-economic issues. His monograph on Late
Bronze Age Mycenaean and Italic Products was presented to acclaim at the XV World
Congress UISPP in Lisbon, September 2006. He has published extensively in academic
journals, edited volumes and monographs, and has been co-editor of a special issue
of Open Archaeology. He is currently co-editor of the publication of the proceedings
of the International Obsidian Conference in STAR and is preparing a volume on communicating
archaeology to different audiences. He has a strong interest in the use of digital
technologies applied to archaeology, with special concern for Web technologies to
disseminate results. He has been a regular contributor to the CSA Newsletter and helped
CyArk and has worked at the ÅÝܽÊÓƵapp of Oxford on a national project (Humbul, then
Intute) to use digital resources in academic teaching.
He is a member of the Society for American Archaeology (SAA) and the European Association
of Archaeologists (EAA) and has presented his original work over 75 times at international
conferences and organized several sessions. He has received funds from INSTAP for
a multi-year project on foundation deposits and is a 2017-2018 Shohet Scholar of the
International Catacomb Society.
At USF he is researching primarily mobility in Medieval Italy, Mediterranean Neolithic
exchange networks as well as wetlands. He is a member of the Anthropocene group at
the Institute for the Advanced Study of Culture and the Environment. He is co-supervising
ÅÝܽÊÓƵapp research at the USF Laboratory for Archaeology Science, including Ph.D. research.
Recent Journal Articles
Tanasi, D., Tykot, R.H. and Vianello, A. Topical Issue on Portable XRF in Archaeology
and Museum Studies, Open Archaeology 2017. []
Vianello, A. (2015). Rivers in prehistory. In Vianello, A. (ed.) Rivers in prehistory,
1-34. Archaeopress, Oxford.
Vianello, A. and Tykot, R.H. (2017). Investigating Technological Changes in Copper-Based
Metals Using Portable XRF Analysis. A Case Study in Sicily. In Open Archaeology, 3(1),
Marino, S., Natali, E., Tykot, R. and Vianello, A. (2017). Monte Finocchito and Heloros
Pottery Production: New Evidence through Technological Studies and Material Analysis.
In Open Archaeology, 3(1), 255-263.
Raudino, A., Tykot, R. & Vianello, A. (2017). Monte Finocchito and Heloros Pottery
Production: New Evidence through Technological Studies and Material Analysis. In Open
Archaeology, 3(1), 247-254.
Freund, K. P., Tykot, R. H. and Vianello, A. (2017) Contextualizing the Role of Obsidian
in Chalcolithic Sicily (ca. 4th - 3rd Millennia B.C.). In Lithic Technology, 42(1),
Vianello, A., & Tykot, R. (2016) Exchange networks from close-up: The case of Lipari
obsidian. In Journal of Lithic Studies, 3(2).
Freund, K. P., Tykot, R. H. and Vianello, A. (2015) Blade production and the consumption
of obsidian in Stentinello period Neolithic Sicily. In Comptes Rendus Palevol, 14(3),
Vianello, A. (2014) Rivers as way of life: the case of the Veneto. Skyllis, Journal
for Underwater Archaeology, 2013 (2): 205-224.
Vianello, A. (ed; 2015) Rivers in prehistory. Archaeopress, Oxford. []
Vianello, A. (2015). People of the Waters in Northern Italy. In Vianello, A. (ed.)
Rivers in Prehistory, 89-102. Archaeopress, Oxford.
Tykot, R. and A. Vianello (2015). Primi dati sulla dieta degli individui della necropoli
di contrada Scintilia. In Gullì D. (ed.), Storie Sepolte, 55-60.
Vianello, A. (2015). Reliving the past through senses and imagination while researching
material culture. Challenges and opportunities. In Bouissac, P. and Gheorghiu, D.
(eds.) How Do We Imagine the Past? On Metaphorical Thought, Experientiality and Imagination
in Archaeology, 81-92. Cambridge Scholarly Publishing.
Recent Publications
Tykot, R.H., Vianello, A. and Colombo, M.D. Ficora di Morra, Tenuta di Nola (Venafro,
IS). In Notiziario di Preistoria e Protostoria 4.Ii, 54-56. Istituto Italiano di Preistoria
e Protostoria. []
Vianello, A. (2015). Paradox Syracuse. In The European Archaeologist, 44: 55-61.